
Saint Louis Covenant School is a Catholic institution offering faith-based education, integrating academic excellence with Gospel values. It provides STREAM-focused programs for preschool to middle school, emphasizing inclusivity, technology, and a community of learning, faith, and service.


Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

We understand the importance of lliteracy development as the foundation for all other subjects. It is for this reason that we adopted the research-based, data-driven, Literacy First: The Science of Reading teaching framework for reading instruction. Students in our early childhood program are taught key skills in phonological and phonemic awareness, word study, fluency, and comprehension. Reading instruction is delivered daily in whole group and small group instruction. Students are grouped based on data which drives the teacher’s small group lesson, allowing for differentiated instruction and individualized learning. This pedagogy features an integrated learning experience and fosters an engaging learning experience.

Our comprehensive curriculum includes areas of study in Math, Social Studies, Science and Religion. In addition, special area classes help our students develop an appreciation for the arts and offer an opportunity to grow outside of traditional subjects. We offer Spanish, Art, Music, and Physical Education. With technology throughout our school, from digital curriculums across the subjects to iPads in all classrooms, a world of learning is at our students’ fingertips.

At Saint Louis our Catholic Values remain at the center of our school while offering an excellent academic experience, addressing the whole child and fostering global awareness, All for His Glory.

Students with Unique Abilities

Saint Louis Covenant School is committed to offering Catholic education to students who can thrive in a general education environment. To support students with disabilities, the school collaborates with families to provide basic accommodations and intervention services tailored to individual needs.

Parents of students with documented exceptionalities must submit specific documentation, such as recent evaluations, IEP or 504 plans, or ADOM Physician statements, to the school for review. The school will assess whether it can meet the student’s educational needs, but not all accommodations may be guaranteed. Recommendations that align with the school’s general education framework will be considered.

Required Documents:

  • Recent psychological/psycho-educational evaluations (within the past 3 years)
  • IEP or 504 plan from Miami-Dade County Public Schools
  • ADOM Physicians statement