Be a part of the Future of St. Louis Covenant School!

In these 30 years, we have grown from a pre-school founded by parishioners, to what we have today, a fully accredited pre-K2 through 8th grade Covenant School.

General Information

Brighter Future for Students

  • Our annual fund, The Crusader Fund, allows us to consolidate our fundraising efforts to maximize our potential fundraising dollars.
  • Your donation will have a direct impact on the learning environment and programs that define the Convenant experience for every student.
  • Crusader Fund dollars will assist us in achieving the goals of our strategic plan within the next five years.
  • Your tax-deductible annual gift will provide us the opportunity to maintain academic excellence in a faith-filled community for many, many years to come.

How to Give?

  • Each year, you will pledge your support through our safe & secure, self-service platform used by Archdiocese of Miami.
  • Using our online giving platform, gifts can be made in any amount and can be set up as scheduled insfallments ora one-time gift.
  • Online giving link will be sent to families via email. We will also have a Crusader Fund tab on our website with information about the fundraiser as well as the link to our giving page.

lt is FAST & EASY
to pledge your support!

Donor Recognition

  • Donor Wall (Lifetime Giving)
  • School's Website
  • Social Media
  • Thank you Letters/Posts
  • Special lnvitation* when Crusader Fund project/goal is achieved
  • Naming Opportunities

And more!

Donate now!

  • Development of a Caring Crusader Program to offer financial assistance to our current Covenant School families in a time of need as well as provide lhe opportunity for families who wish to become a part of lhe Covenant School family and may need financial assistance.
  • Upgraded and accessible Audio/Visual Technology in each classroom including interactive boards and/or Smart televisions for every classroom in Kindergarten through eighth grade.
  • Enhancement to lhe Pre-School Program including their facilities which will include upgrades to lhe curriculum, improvements & restructuring of pre-school playgrounds & classrooms.
  • Expansion of our STREAM program to include upgraded curriculum and state-of-the-art STREAM Lab.
  • Create an Innovation Center which will provide a flexible and creative space for students to enhance their learning using integrated technology and cross-curricular resources.
  • Enhancement of our Sports Field & Facilities to include bleachers, shaded areas and dedicated playground area & equipment.


Donate now!


Gifts of $4,000 & up


Gifts of $1,993 to $3,999


Gifts of $1,992 to honor our founding year


Gifts of $1,000-$1,991


Gifts up to $999